
As copywriting intern at MACLYN, I worked with an incredible creative team to translate brand strategy into brand story for clients like Dunkin’ Donuts, Wannemaker’s and Choose Dupage. From exciting commercial shoots to carefully crafted influencer events, we turned crazy ideas into solutions that worked.

Scope: Copywriting, Design, Photography, Video Production, Creative Concepting, Influencer Marketing, Industry Research

Type: In-House and Client Work for MACLYN


Brand Before Product:

In-House Blog Post By Brittani Langland

Look, there’s no easy way to say this…people don’t read anymore.

Well, they read, but when it comes to ad copy they read 0.1% of it. And that’s because we see over 10,000 ads every day.

1 0 , 0 0 0 ads. Let that sink in.

With all this clutter, a new era of copywriters has blossomed. Copywriters who are ditching old advertising methods for the pursuit of crafting a more personal relationship between brands and consumers.

But let’s not get too ahead of ourselves.

What even is a copywriter?

According to my little sister, they do stuff with trademarks right? Hell NO.

A copywriter is someone who engages consumers through writing. But copywriters are much more than that. They wear multiple hats like creative strategist, researcher, resident IPA drinker, you name it.

I guess you could say brands pay them the dough to think creatively.

Sounds easy, right? Not quite.

It’s 2018, and people aren’t looking for a quick list of product benefits when they make purchase decisions.  Nope, they want to connect to a brand on a personal level before spending any money.

Consumers want brands who

  • Share their values

  • Represent their lifestyle

  • And enjoy a matcha on a rainy afternoon

It’s all about how brands make people feel. It’s about treating consumers like real people.

A copywriter’s goal is to create authentic connections through words.

Sounds more ambitious, right? Ohhhh yeahhhh *read in Kool-Aid man’s voice*.

And we can talk for hours about how social media and other trends effect copywriting, but these trends are just vessels for the brand’s message.

The feeling you get when interacting with a brand
is the defining factor of successful advertising in 2018.

Because at the end of the day, social media will always be changing, but creating a genuine brand voice that people trust, will last a lifetime.


This trust comes from copywriters using words to tap into the shared human experience (because people love to be reminded they aren’t alone in this world.)

It’s the constant chase after those “oh that happens to me too” moments.


Being able to relate to people means staying connected to the human experience, and having the ability to empathize with others.

But relating to people can also mean staying ahead of the trends. People are drawn to those who live outside their comfort zones and take risks.

It’s not a profession obsessed with perfect grammar and style. It’s a profession that speaks to people in their language.

To truly tap into the shared human experience, copywriters have to let themselves be a part of it. They don’t talk down to their audience, they talk with them.

People are smart.

They see through phony content, and are not afraid to call brands out on it.

With all this in mind, copywriters have to have a good ear for ideas that hit all the checkmarks it takes to create an authentic brand.

That way, for the lucky brands who do it right, they’ll be a part of the 0.1% of ads that people engage with.

They’ll be a part of this new era of advertising where copywriters don’t focus on the product -they focus on

the brand

the experience

And most importantly,

the people.